The coaching world lost a beautiful presence and powerful voice with the passing of Patricia Reich this past week. I first met Patricia in the early 2000s at a careers conference. She made such an impression on me at the time—engaging, thoughtful, sharp as a tack,...
We’ve all heard of the proverbial “elephant in the room.” As we dig into ICF Competency #8 of Creating Awareness, let’s zero in on another manifestation of that elephant. It’s the elephant in our BRAINS! Ubiquitous, yet invisible, this elephant... In today’s busy world we are often pressured to do more with less. There is a way to increase capacity, but it’s not by putting your nose to the grindstone…find out how in...
The old saying “elephant in the room” implies that there is an issue that is so big, or complex, or unmanageable, or unsolvable that it’s simply easier to pretend it doesn’t exist. In other words, ignore it, and it will go away! When coaching leaders, the elephant...
Have you ever been asked a question you knew the answer to but froze? That frozen reaction was likely caused because the question elicited the fight-flight-freeze response in you. Your brain heard the question, but your body interpreted it as some kind of threat....
Our mood, our experiences, our levels of reasoning—all determine how we listen, and how well with listen. We can playfully consider these brain modes that may be driving our listening: The Buddy Brain – the Buddy Brain is concerned with making sure everyone is happy,...