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Continuous Coach Education Hours (CCEs)


Are you looking to renew your coaching credentials and wondering how to accumulate Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours?

Explore the various options below and discover how you can ensure your coaching skills stay current and certifications remain up-to-date.



What are CCE hours?


All ICF credentials are valid for three (3) years. In order to renew a credential, an individual must participate in continuing professional development activities and accumulate 40 CCE hours between each renewal period.

These credits may be earned through a variety of means, all designed to expose the coach to new content to increase their overall knowledge base and enable them to provide more value to their clients. 

CCE hours are broken down into Core Competency (CC) and Resource Development (RD) hours.

For renewal of all ICF accreditation levels, a minimum of 24 of the 40 CCE hours need to be Core Competency (CC) based:

  • At least three (3) hours must be on coaching ethics. We would recommend completing the ICF’s Complimentary Ethics course online, which can be found here.
    • If you are renewing your ACC, you are required to obtain 10 hours of mentor coaching over a minimum period of three months. These 10 hours can count towards the total 40 CCE hours required for renewal.

    Please see the below table for more information on our available courses and their respective CCE hours allocation.

    Certified Executive and Leadership Development Coach Course33285CELDC Registration and PricingLive Training

    Includes 5 hours of mentor coaching
    Certified Career Management Coach Course33285CCMC Registration and PricingLive Training

    Includes 5 hours of mentor coaching
    Certified Leadership Engagement and Impact Coach Course31265CLEIC Registration and PricingLive Training

    Includes 2.5 hours of mentor coaching
    Academies Certified Strengths Coach Course31265ACSC Registration and PricingLive Training

    Includes 2.5 hours of mentor coaching
    Coaching Through Resistance + 3 Individual Mentor Coaching Sessions15141 Resistance Registration and PricingSelf-study course (except for mentor coaching)
    Coaching Through Resistance 12111 Resistance Registration and PricingSelf-study course

    For recommendations on the best combination of courses based on your needs and specific situation, and for more information on our a la carte mentor coaching prices, please contact us at coaching@theacademies.com